Theme Options

Global Setting

You can change the Global Option from here.

Site Logo setting

You can change the Site Logo Option from here.

Site Loader setting

You can change the Site Loader Option from here.

Header Setting

You can change the Header Option from here.

Page Header setting

You can change the Page Header Option from here.

You can change the Footer Option from here.

Site Info setting

You can change the Site Info Option from here.

Blog Setting

You can change the Blog Option from here.

Post Sharing

You can share posts from here.

Typography Setting

You can change the Typography Option from here.

Code Setting

You can add CSS/JS from here.

Color Setting

You can change color from here.

MailChimp Setting

You can change MailChimp Option from here.

Import / Export

You can import or export theme settings from here. This will be useful when you are developing your site on another server and want to move only theme settings. Just click the "Download" button to export the settings and click the "Import from file" button to import it.

Last updated